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Dragon Army


The Dragon Army

The “Dragon Army” is actually an elite arm of a Tangri’s armed forces incorporating the best soldiers from every branch of their Armed Services.Intended to be capable of mounting land/sea/ and amphibious assaults using infantry, armor, aircraft, and watercraft, the role of the Dragon Army can differ between tactical situations. The moniker Dragon Army comes from a reference to an ancient legend of a “sleeping beast,” or “sleeping dragon,” that rests somewhere deep within the island itself, giving the island its chi, or its power. Originally created back in the 7th century, The Dragon Army were much like The Musketeers of the Guard in France and were a fighting company of the military branch of the Royal Household. They were created in 1622 when Koroj IV furnished a company of light cavalry. Dragon Army Soldiers fought in battle both on foot (infantry) and on horseback (dragoons).

They formed the royal guard for the king while he was outside of the royal residences and soon after became the most efficient killing force in all of Tangri. They are deployed at the behest of the King, and perform such other duties as only the King may direct.

In today’s “modern warfare,” the Dragon Army are elite, highly mobile troops and are used in situations that do not always involve practical elements. They are often used as a spearhead for major military offensives or as a stopgap when an emergency military situation breaks out, performing critical military operations until more permanent forces arrive. Historically, The Dragon Army was part of the Tangri Army and served as special force regiment, very much like the Navy SEALs do in America. They assisted the crew in battles, boarded enemy ships, conducted small coastal raids, and protected the officers of different states.

Operational Control (OPCON) of the three Commando and the Commando Logistics Regiment is delegated to 3 Commando Brigade Royal Army based at the Gulandi Barracks which exercises control as directed by The King himself. Like the American Marines, these soldiers are at the “behest of the King” and need no “special” permission to be mobilized.

Each Dragon Army Team is comprised of 3 40-man Task Units. Each Task Unit consist of a Headquarters element consisting of a Task Unit Commander (Officer, Grade 4 - Captain), a Task Unit Senior Enlisted (E-8), a Targeting/Operations Officer (O-2/3) and a Targeting/Operations (both of the rank of E-6). Under the HQ element are two Dragon Army Platoons of 18 men (2 officers, 14 enlisted Dragon Army members and 2 enlisted EOD Operators); and support staff. Each Task Unit can be easily split into 4 squads or eight 4-man fire teams for operational purposes. The size of each Dragon Army “Team” with Task Units and support staff is approx. 300 personnel. There are two (2) Dragon Army Teams, one for land-based operations and the other for strictly carrying out air-based operations. Task Unit core skills consist of: Sniper, Breacher, Communicator, Maritime/Engineering, Close Air Support, Corpsman, Point-man/Navigator, Primary Driver/Navigator (Rural/Urban/Protective Security), Heavy Weapons Operator, Sensitive Site Exploitation, Air Operations Master, Lead Climber, Lead Diver/Navigator, Interrogator, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Technical Surveillance and Advanced Special Operations The Dragon Army also holds Operational Control of attached Artillery and Engineer assets when needed.


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